mardi 2 juin 2015

Evaluation criteria-  Procedural text- Anglais-

1. You include all of the text caracterisics for the Procedural text

Text characteristics - Procedural text

What is a procedural text?

- A procedural text is a series of short instructions, often numbered in a logical order.

- A procedural text can be practical advice.

-A procedural text can be help for non-experts on accomplishing a specific task.

-A procedural text is detailed, step-by-step instructions with pictures or diagrams

- The use of imperative sentences is a key element in a procedural text.

2.  You include the entire writing process ( title page, plan, rough copy with corrections and revisions in response to my feedback, publication).

3. You follow all of the grammar and spelling rules (capitilization, contractions, correct spelling, punctuation).

jeudi 28 mai 2015

Procedural text

The rough copy for your Procedural text is due Wednesday June 3rd. Be sure to have it ready in class to be revised. I will provide you with feedback and next steps this day only (unless you're absent).

The entire writing project (title page, plan/ideas, rough copy with visible changes and publication) is due Tuesday June 9th. The presentations will also be that day. Be creative! I will provide you with evaluation criteria early next week.

jeudi 14 mai 2015

Évaluation en mathématiques -demain

À ne pas oublier les élèves! Demain sera notre évaluation sommative en mesure- le périmètre, l'aire et le volume. Il est très important de revoir votre évaluation formative et travailler ta prochaine étape. En plus, je vous donne un travail à compléter ce soir afin de revoir les concepts.