mardi 2 juin 2015

Evaluation criteria-  Procedural text- Anglais-

1. You include all of the text caracterisics for the Procedural text

Text characteristics - Procedural text

What is a procedural text?

- A procedural text is a series of short instructions, often numbered in a logical order.

- A procedural text can be practical advice.

-A procedural text can be help for non-experts on accomplishing a specific task.

-A procedural text is detailed, step-by-step instructions with pictures or diagrams

- The use of imperative sentences is a key element in a procedural text.

2.  You include the entire writing process ( title page, plan, rough copy with corrections and revisions in response to my feedback, publication).

3. You follow all of the grammar and spelling rules (capitilization, contractions, correct spelling, punctuation).