mercredi 17 décembre 2014

Book Report- Evaluation- Th Ghost of Sullivan Town

Evaluation- Book report- The Ghost of Sullivan Town

Choose one of the following for your book report. It is to be presented to the class Thursday January 8th 2015.

Read carefully and be sure to include each element of the question.

BE CREATIVE!! I know you can!

You will be evaluated on all three " domaines en anglais"- your comprehension of the novel (reading), spelling, grammar and punctuation (writing) and your oral presentation of your information (oral communication).

1. Design a comic book. Choose a chapter from the novel that is especially interesting to you. Illustrate "your version" of this chapter as a comic book. Include "balloons" for the characters’ conversations and thoughts. ( You can use the website "bitstrips" )

2. Create a diorama. This is a miniature scene from the book using clay, play dough, dried plants, stones, small figures, legos or anything else you can find. Recreate a scene or chapter from the novel with the characters and a setting. Pay attention to details from the novel!
If you choose this option, be sure to include with your presentation a written report of "your version" of the scene/chapter.

3. Create a song. Create a song to promote, resume or retell a chapter, scene or character(s). You must sing this song or a recording (audio or video) of the song during your presentation. Be sure to include your lyrics in a written copy.

4. Character puppet show. Act out a scene or chapter from the novel with your own puppets. Pay attention to details from the novel as you create your characters and your setting.
If you choose this option, be sure to include with your presentation a script of "your version" of the scene/chapter.

5. Play time. Act out a scene or chapter from the novel with your own actors. You must bring props for a setting and your characters. Your presentation must be rehearsed in advance.

Pay attention to details from the novel as you create your characters and your setting.
If you choose this option, be sure to include with your presentation a script of "your own version of the scene or chapter.


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