mercredi 18 février 2015

Book Report- Tuck Everlasting- Évaluation sommative -To be presented Monday February 23rd

Book Report- Tic, Tac, Toe

For your Tuck Everlasting book report assignment you must choose three of the following in order to complete a horizontal ,vertical or diagonal line. You must then choose one of the three to present

in class. Be creative!

Board Game- WR
Make a board game based on the events of Tuck Everlasting. Make a set of at least 25 game cards, each with a question about the story. Make an answer key on a separate page.
Performing- WR
Act out a scene from Tuck Everlasting. With your report include your version of the script.
Comic Strip- WR
Using "Bitstrips" recreate your version of a scene or a chapter from the novel.
Book Jacket-
Design and publish a book jacket (front and back) that will attract attention and encourage people to pick up the book and read it. Don’t forget to include a quick summary and review (on the back).
Travel Brochure-
Make a travel brochure that would entice tourists to visit Treegap. You brochure must include the following:
-Features of the area
-Places to stay
- Restaurants
-A Map of the town.
-Anything else of your choice
Litterary Critic- WR
Be a literary critic and write a book review of Tuck Everlasting. Include a brief summary of the story and your opinion on the strengths and weeknesses of the plot, characters and writing style. State whether or not you would recommend the novel to others and why.
Create a diorama of a scene or chapter from the novel. Include any characters add details from the novel.
If you choose this option, be sure to include with your written report a photo or a drawing of your diorama.

Character puppet show- WR
Act out a scene or chapter from the novel with your own puppets. Pay attention to details from the novel as you create your characters and your setting.
If you choose this option, be sure to include with your presentation a script of "your version" of the scene/chapter.

Poetry- WR
Write 5 poems about the novel Tuck Everlasting. You must include one of each of the following poems;
-Ha ku,
- Limerick
Each poem must contain figurative language.

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